Regional group:Eastern European Group (EEG)
Council member:
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
During HRC general discussions, panel debates and interactive dialogues with the Special Procedures, during the past three years, either as an HRC member or not, the State has joined:
group statements
group statements
Political group
group statements
Other joint
Overall, as a HRC member, has participated in more than 10% of panel discussions, general debates and interactive dialogues.
Longest visit request not (yet) accepted by the State >
NPM established
The Czech Republic presented voluntary pledges and commitments in support of its candidature for membership for the period 2019-2021 on 27 April 2018. In the document, the Czech Republic pledges, inter alia, to:
At the international level: Actively participate in the work of the Council; Support preventative and timely responses to human rights violations and abuses; Speak openly on both country-specific and thematic issues, in particular those requiring the urgent action of the Council; Promote freedom of expression and information as a gateway to the enjoyment of a wider range of human rights, including freedom of assembly and of association; Cooperate closely with OHCHR, advocate for its independence and impartiality, and make voluntary financial contributions to it; Continue to support the international human rights mechanisms, including the Special Procedures and Treaty Bodies; Strongly support civil society participation in political and public affairs, and speak out against any acts of intimidation or reprisal against persons who seek to cooperate, are cooperating or have cooperated with, human rights mechanisms; Build institutions that promote the rule of law, including through activities aimed at combating torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
At the national level: Submit a UPR midterm report in 2020, and implement those UPR recommendations received during the last review;
Ensure continuous dialogue about human rights issues with academia and civil society organisations; Ratify the CRPD-OP and the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention); Promote equality, inclusion and non-discrimination vis-à-vis the Roma people; Advance gender equality; Strengthen the implementation of the CRPD, the CRC and the SDGs; Sensitise Czech businesses, in particular State- owned businesses, to human rights concerns.
An analysis of steps taken by the Czech Republic in fulfilment of its international pledges shows that it cooperates well with Special Procedures, maintaining a Standing Invitation, facilitating visit requests but is yet to respond to 100% of the received communications. It also engages strongly with the UPR, participating at deputy ministerial level. The Czech Republic also participated in the review of 93 other states during the first cycle and 119 during the second cycle. The Czech Republic continues to provide yearly voluntary contributions to OHCHR, since 2008.