Regional group:Eastern European Group (EEG)
Council member:
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
During HRC general discussions, panel debates and interactive dialogues with the Special Procedures, during the past three years, either as an HRC member or not, the State has joined:
group statements
group statements
Political group
group statements
Other joint
Overall, as a HRC member, has participated in more than 10% of panel discussions, general debates and interactive dialogues.
Longest visit request not (yet) accepted by the State >
NPM established
Estonia tabled voluntary pledges and commitments in support for its candidacy for membership for the period 2013-2015, on 13th June 2012.
Internationally, Estonia pledged to: use its membership to ensure that the Council responds, in a timely and responsible manner, to all urgent human rights situations; to continue to support the functioning of OHCHR, including financially; enhance cooperation with Special Procedures; work in close cooperation with civil society; continue to submit regular periodic reports to the Treaty Bodies, and distribute conclusions and recommendations to relevant authorities, civil society and the general public; begin preparations for the ratification of CRPD, CPED and the Optional Protocol on children in armed conflict; consider ratification of the OP-CEDAW and the Convention against discrimination in education; and continue to provide financial support to UN activities to support the rights of indigenous peoples.
Domestically, Estonia committed to: work to bring national law with implications for the rights of children more fully into line with international standards; find additional financial resources for the office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality and Equal Treatment; and strengthen gender equality in the administration of justice.
An analysis of steps taken by Estonia in fulfilment of its international level pledges shows that it did indeed ratify CRPD (2012) and an Optional Protocol to the CRC (2014). However it has not ratified CPED, OP CEDAW or the Convention against discrimination in education. It has maintained an annual financial contribution to OHCHR. Estonia continues to participate in Council discussions (e.g. it has contributed to 57% of all panel discussions.) Regarding Special Procedures, Estonia has accepted all visit requests. It has also tabled a mid-term report under the UPR.