Regional group:Eastern European Group (EEG)
Council member:
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Unknown |
Child, early and forced marriage in humanitarian settings; The role of prevention in the promotion and protection of human rights; The negative impact of corruption on the enjoyment of human rights; High-level panel on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Human Rights Council; Cultural rights and the protection of cultural heritage; Conscientious objection to military service; High-level panel discussion on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Voluntary Technical Assistance Trust Fund to Support the Participation of Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States in the Work of the Human Rights Council.
During HRC general discussions, panel debates and interactive dialogues with the Special Procedures, during the past three years, either as an HRC member or not, the State has joined:
group statements
group statements
Political group
group statements
Other joint
Overall, as a HRC member, has participated in more than 10% of panel discussions, general debates and interactive dialogues.
Longest visit request not (yet) accepted by the State >
SR on racism, 2012
NPM established
Received Sub-Committee visit
Poland tabled voluntary pledges and commitments in support for its candidacy for membership for the period 2010-2013 on 9 March 2010.
Internationally, Poland committed to: to ratify the CRPD; promote human rights through regional organisations and through Polish development assistance; cooperate with the UN human rights bodies to implement recommendations and respond to individual communications; and make voluntary contributions to OHCHR.
At national level, Poland pledged to: improve the situation of women and persons with disabilities; implement a national programme against racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance; ensure equal access to education; develop a support network for the victims of crime; and campaign against domestic violence.
An analysis of steps taken by Poland in fulfilment of the international pledges shows that in 2012 Poland did ratify the CPRD. In terms of cooperation with Treaty Bodies, Poland is Party to nearly all the core conventions. It is on schedule for the submission of four reports, and overdue on one (CEDAW), while one was submitted late (CERD) and one on time (CRPD). Poland continues to make voluntary contributions to the OHCHR and has responded to 78% of Special Procedures communications.