Republic of Moldova
Regional group:Eastern European Group (EEG)
Council member:
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Standing - Inter-Ministerial |
National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up (NMIRF): Standing - Inter-Ministerial |
Youth and human rights; The question of the death penalty; Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran; Human rights implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people.
During HRC general discussions, panel debates and interactive dialogues with the Special Procedures, during the past three years, either as an HRC member or not, the State has joined:
group statements
group statements
Political group
group statements
Other joint
Overall, as a HRC member, has participated in more than 10% of panel discussions, general debates and interactive dialogues.
Longest visit request not (yet) accepted by the State >
NPM established
Received Sub-Committee visit
The Republic of Moldova tabled voluntary pledges and commitments in support for its candidacy for membership for the period 2010-2013 on 10 March 2010.
At international level, the Republic of Moldova pledged to: ratify the CRPD; extend a standing invitation to all Special Procedures; support and cooperate with the Council and its mechanisms; cooperate constructively within the UPR mechanism and submit a midterm evaluation; support OHCHR’s activities; promote the involvement of NGOs at all levels; and extend an invitation to all regional and international human rights bodies, structures and mechanisms to visit the country.
Nationally, the Republic of Moldova made commitments to: combat discrimination; introduce a compulsory course in civic education; draft strategies on social inclusion of persons with disabilities; prevent trafficking; protect minorities; and promote human rights education.
An analysis of steps taken by the Republic of Moldova in fulfilment of its international pledges shows that, in terms of contributing to the work of the Council, the Republic of Moldova participated in around 20% of all panel discussions, general debates and interactive dialogues. Regarding cooperation with Special Procedures, the Republic of Moldova extended a standing invitation in June 2010, and has accepted most visit requests. Regarding UPR, the Republic of Moldova has not presented a mid-term UPR report and has participated in less than 30% of other States’ reviews. Moldova ratified the CRPD in 2010. Since it became a member of the Council, Moldova has facilitated an OP-CAT Subcommittee visit (2013) and four Special Procedures visits: health (2015), disability (2016), minority issues (2016) and human rights defenders (2018).